Not long ago I was contacted by some folks who have been working hard on a show called Hitting Rock Bottom. It tells the real stories of people who have struggled with addiction, hit rock bottom, and found a way out. Unlike reality television that often turns tragic stories about addiction into entertainment, this show has a far more noble and broader reaching aim.
The creater and Director, Corey Snyder, who has been in recovery for the past five years and also happens to be a very talented film maker, wants to instill hope (and action) in those who still struggle.
He portrays challenges with addiction through docu-drama storytelling that utilizes actors to dramatize real stories. He and his team have already completed the first four episodes of season one which you can watch on Hitting Rock Bottom.
Each episode is a few minutes, so watching them all will not take you that long.The first season tells the story of Daryl Brown, a very likable young man who sets out in life with no idea of what is ahead for him. The show is more than engaging, and realistically captures the underlying risk factors that contribute to going down a path of addiction.
It is real, scary, and unfortunately a story that plays out far too often.
I found the story of Darryl very powerful and can appreciate the intelligent and compassionate angle that these mini-series are shot from. It is an interesting and powerful change from many of the reality television series that flood the television programming these days. I have experience growing up with abuse, so I felt a bit kindred to Darryl when he talked about watching his father hit and abuse his mother: I watched my dad break a glass on my mom’s face once, and I can today recognize that as the trauma that leads me to engage in certain behaviors that, at times, I can feel leaning toward the line of dependency and abuse…I feel empowered by watching stories like Darryl’s, because they help me to recognize the abuses that occurred very young in my life and how those have moulded both my expectations and behaviors in life: Knowing how these abuses have materialized in my life, I have a better grasp on controlling and changing my own behaviors.
Thanks for the feedback!
Hey, this sounds like a very positive way to get the stories across! People are so visual. When we see people in front of us or in a movie we can relate! I wish I were able to help out financially. I hope that you find help. Addiction has much more of an effect then the scientific studies of various drugs. I ripples out into the live of the children and their children. The energy just keeps going unless it is contained in the hearts of other humans. Good luck with this!
What great episodes!! I watched Darryl and this is an awesome thing they are doing. These videos are inspiring, it is great to see people overcome their problems and be able to talk about them. This is helpful to know their are other people out there who have struggled. These people struggled and not only that, but they overcame their struggles. It was sad to see the story of Darryl, how he defended his mother with the risk of prison just for her to turn around and beat on him. I have never been in this position so it was good to hear his story. The worst part was the last episode and the sad part is this stuff happens still today. Everyone has a struggle of some sort and it is good to hear these true stories. I like how the episodes are split up into stages. Great videos, sad, but good information.
Hello there,
It is a good short movie about Daryl’s life. I can image the life was really hard for this kid when his parents cannot teach him to be good person in society. When the parents always fight in front of their children because of drugs, their children would become an addictive drug user or they would not have a good life compared to the children who have a happy family. I guess these children will find abuse drugs in order to forget their live in the past or bad people in society will let them try these free illegal drugs for the first time and then ask them to sell these drugs when they was being an addictive users. This movie helps me see directly about the life of drug users.It also teaches me to avoid these illegal drugs and never think it is ok to try it once because it is easy to get addictive with these drugs such as heroin and cocaine. I hope someone can help finance to compete this movie in order to teach people to stop using illegal drugs. This was really a perfect short movie. It was an emotional movie and made me to think about drug users. Especially the children were being an addictive drug user because their parents did not take care of them.
This television show, Hitting Rock Bottom, definitely sounds like a show I wouldn’t mind watching. It seems like a show that everyone including me can relate to. I feel like there is a point in each person’s life that they have hit “rock bottom”. I definitely know that I have hit some very low points in my life and felt like I could never get back to where I used to be. The description of this show sounds like it’s very heartwarming. People talk about their addictions, how they hit rock bottom and how they found their way out. I think watching this show will help people resolve their own issues by seeing how others solved theirs. Sounds like it should a very solid and successful television show!
Unfortunately the producers have struggled to get funding to keep it going, which is sad because their work thus far on the show has been amazing. If you are so moved, please email the producers directly and let them know what you think of the episodes you can currently watch on their site. Good stuff! thanks for the comment
There is such a struggle with addiction that I believe, stems from the home. Deep within the home are things that have been so deep and children are exposed to these sad issues that some of us had no power over. Then there becomes post traumatic stress syndrome and more trauma and more trauma which is hard to overcome especially if one does not have the tools. Hitting rock bottom was more than can be fathomed in my family. I came from a family of massive drug addicts and drug dealers, but in the midst of it, I was very smart. I got kicked out of my house at the prime age of 15 with straight A’s, president of my class and homecoming princess. In my grandmother’s home, my uncle forced meth down my throat in a piece of toilet paper and I was hooked. I fought years to better my life and have been clean for over 14 years. Currently, I have no tolerance for drugs period and want to continue to educate and help make young people strong. My life has been so hard because I almost had no chance. I’ve lived in Oregon for 16 years with no family, fighting to change my family history. What do you do when you almost had no chance? If I wasn’t a person that wanted change, then what would I have done? I do have 3 beautiful children and life in general as a single mom is just hard, but that will never stop me from educating myself and others about addiction. I like what you said with steps about addiction:
Action 1: Motivation
Action 2: Evaluation
Action 3: Resolve
Action 4: Manage
Action 5: Create
This is a good start! Good job to Corey Snyder because this is correct… It is real, scary, and unfortunately a story that plays out far too often!
April, your story is powerful and inspiring given where you are today. Life is hard, I could not agree more. Yet in our challenges we learn and grow, and hopefully get closer to awakening to why we are here in the first place. Appreciate your feedback on the 5 Actions, as I am continually evolving it as a long term road map for healing. You should reach out to Cory, he would love to hear from you.
I loved watching the episodes of Darryl. His stories pulls you in right away, just like addiction does. I love how the episodes bounce back between Darryl and the reenactment. It’s crazy how within just a few weeks, a person can go from feeling on top of the world, to hitting rock bottom. I think many people forget how dangerous the drug world is and Darryl’s story does a good job illuminating this. It’s not just about addiction, but also the people you surround yourself with. Once you mess with the wrong people-especially the dealers- you’re stuck and your life depends on it. And then you do anything to save your life. Darryl’s story shows another side to addiction that many people don’t even realize occurs.
Agree, it is powerful video! Thanks for the feedback
The article Hitting Rock Bottom: Addiction Stories, allows a very powerful message for society. Hitting Rock Bottom is a Television show that allows individuals who are dealing with addiction or know someone who is dealing with addiction feel hope and be inspired by others who are going through similar struggles. I feel this TV show will be very beneficial for everyone especially those who are struggling with addiction. Many individuals are visual people and find it easier to relate to others when they can see it in front of them, like this TV show. Hitting Rock Bottom will allow viewers to see the cold hard truth of what dealing with addiction looks like and how it affects everyone around you, including family and friends. It is also important for viewers to be able to see successful treatment and outcomes of addicts dealing with similar issues, so others who may be struggling can witness that change is possible. As the director of the film said, “He wants to install hope and action in those who still struggle”.